Monday, August 27, 2012

Comparing int with Enum

Problem: this may not be an interview question but it is quite interesting. Let's first look at some examples.  If we have following code that compare int with enum, what will happen (be printed out)? We will test these examples using gcc.

*Updated the post inspired by Nemo's great comments.

enum MY_ENUM{
  MY_OK = 0,

void foo()
   int i = -1;
   enum My_ENUM my_enum = MY_OK;

   if( i < my_enum) printf("I am OK!\n");
   else printf("I am NOT OK!\n");


For the above example,  we will see "I am NOT OK!". Why, the reason is in this example my_enum is regarded as unsigned int. Therefore, it will be converted into unsigned before the comparison. After the conversion, it will always be non-negative so the if will take the else branch. But what about this code snippet (just a little bit modification):

enum MY_ENUM{
  MY_OK = 0,

void foo()
   int i = -1;
   enum My_ENUM my_enum = MY_OK;

   if( i < MY_OK) printf("I am OK!\n");
   else printf("I am NOT OK!\n");


It will print "I am OK!" instead. The reason is  in this example  MY_OK  is regarded as int.

Why we will see results like this? It is kind of confusing. To find out the things under-hood, we need to look at the C standard. There are several sections related to our problem.

  • Section says enumerators have type int. 
  • Section states that the enumeration type has a compatible type capable of representing the values of all enumerator members.
  • Section suggests that an enumerator initialized with a constant expressionthat falls outside the range of an int has unspecified or undefined behavior.
Section can be used to explain the first example. The compatible type capable of representing the values of all enumerator members is unsigned it, since we only need to represent 0 and 1.Therefore   my_enum is unsigned int. Section can explain the second example since MY_OK is an enumerator.

Then what if you want enumeration type to be int? Just follow Section and have the enumeration defined as follow:

enum MY_ENUM{
  MY_NEG = -1
  MY_OK = 0,

since we only need to represent -1,0 and 1 here, the enumeration type needs to be int.

We should be careful about Section Since it suggests if we define something as follow, the behavior will be unspecified.

enum MY_ENUM{
  MY_NEG = -1
  MY_OK = 0,
  MY_BIG = 0x80000000
0x80000000 can't be represented in a 32bit int. Though in gcc, the enumeration type is still int here, we cannot expect a uniform behavior on other compilers.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Find the Maximum of Two Integers without Comparison

Problem: Given two integers a and b, find the bigger one between them without using comparison (e.g., "if" statement).

Solution: Here we need a little bit "bit" operation. We know, if a-b>=0, max(a,b) = a; otherwise, max(a,b) = a - (a-b). Then you may understand the following hack:

int max(int a, int b)
   int c = a-b;

   //assume integer has 4 bytes, by shifting c 
   //rightward, what we get is the sign bit
   //(that indicate if c is negative or not
   int k = c >> 31;

   return  a - k*c;


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Find the Number of Groups of "1" in a Matrix

Problem: Given a matrix, each cell of the matrix is either "1" or "0". Consider that all the adjacent "1" form a group, find out how many such groups are in the matrix.  By"adjacent",  we mean a cell's left, right, up and down. The diagonal is not considered as "adjacent". For example, if we have a matrix as follow:

1 0 0 1
1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0

then the output will be 2. There are two groups of "1" here.

Solution: This is where disjoint-set can help. The algorithm is outlined as below:

  • Basically, we scan the matrix row by row and from left to right. We need some auxiliary data structure stat[][] to keep some states. The states include the parent of a cell (it actually means which group a cell belongs to and each group has one unique parent) and the group id.
  • Once we encounter a cell with value "1", if we find it is left and up neighbors are both "0", then we  can create a new group, and this cell also becomes the parent of the group.
  • If we find its left neighbor is "1" and up neighbor is "0", then the current cell belongs to the same group where its left neighbor is. Similarly, if we find its left neighbor is "0" and up neighbor is "1", then the current cell belongs to the same group where its up neighbor is. 
  • If we find both its left neighbor and up neighbor are "1", we need to do some Union() operation. First we need to find which group has a smaller group id between its left neighbor's group and up neighbor's group. Then we make the parent of the group that has a bigger id point to the parent of the group that has a smaller id. By doing this, we actually merge the two groups together and decrease the total number of groups by 1. If two groups have the same id, we don't need to do the Union().
  • We can also do some optimization such as path compression. Here we actually use a simplified disjoint-set approach. The total time complexity is close to O(M*N) where M and N are the dimensions of the matrix.
The code is as below:
typedef struct cell
  int value;
  pair parent;

pair<int, int> parent(int x, int y, cell stat[][M])
    //here we also implemented path compression
    if(stat[x][y].parent.first!=x || stat[x][y].parent.second!=y)
        stat[x][y].parent =  parent(stat[x][y].parent.first, stat[x][y].parent.second, stat);
    return stat[x][y].parent;


int group_of_1(int a[][M])
    cell stat[N][M];

    int group = 0;
    for(int i=0; ilt;N; i++)
    for(int j=0; jlt;M; j++)
         int g1,g2;
         g1 = g2 = -1;
         pair<int, int> p1, p2;

         if(i>0 && a[i-1][j])
            p1 = parent(i-1, j, stat);
            g1 = stat[p1.first][p1.second].value;

         if(j>0 && a[i][j-1])
            p2 = parent(i, j-1, stat);
            g2 = stat[p2.first][p2.second].value;


         if(g1<0 && g2<0)
             stat[i][j].value = group;
             stat[i][j].parent = pair<int, int>(i,j);

         if(g1<0 && g2 > 0) stat[i][j].parent = p2;

        if(g1>0 && g2<0)   stat[i][j].parent = p1;

        if(g1>0 && g2 > 0)
             stat[i][j].value = g1 < g2 ? g1:g2;

                  stat[p2.first][p2.second].parent = stat[i][j].parent = p1;

                  stat[p1.first][p1.second].parent = stat[i][j].parent = p2;
             if(g1!=g2) group--;




    return group;

Friday, April 13, 2012

Four Men and Eight Hats

Problem: There are four men and eight hats (five black hats and three red hats). Each man will wear one hat, but he can't see which hat he is wearing, instead he can only see the hats the other three persons are wearing. Then each man is asked to guess which hat he is wearing (black or red?). The first man said he can't decide. The second man said he also can't decide. The third man, again, said he can't decide. Then it is the turn of the last man, can he or can't he make the right guess?

Solution: The key is to understand what "a man can't decide" exactly means. Let's name the four men, A, B, C, D. When A can't decide, it must be true that B, C, D are NOT all wearing red hats. Since there are only three red ones, if B, C, D are all wearing red hats, A can be sure that he is wearing a black hat. Let's use the same way to analyze B's situation. When B can't decide, it must be true that C, D are NOT both wearing red hats.  Then let's exam C.  When C can't decide, it must be true than D is NOT wearing a red hat. Then based on the all the information, D can be sure he is wearing a black hat.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Graceful Way to Shift an Array

Problem: We have an array of integers (or other type), given an integer k,  we want to shift the array elements by k. For example, if a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and k = 2, the resulting array will be a[] = {4, 5, 1, 2, 3} .

Solution: This is an easy problem but a graceful solution is not that straightforward. When I mean "graceful", I mean a solution of O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity. The trick is try to reverse the array twice. The detail is as follow:

  • First, reverse the whole array. If a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, after reversing, we have a[] = {5,4,3,2,1}.
  • Then reverse the subarray from idx 0 to idx k-1, with the previous example we have a[] = {4,5,3,2,1}. Then reverse the subarray from idx k to idx n-1, after this, we get a[] = {4, 5, 1, 2, 3}.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

about Josephus problem

Problem: Josephus problem is a classical problem which can be solved by DP. The problem assume n persons in a circle, then start from the 1st person, we eliminate a person after skipping a fix number of persons. The process stops when there is only one person left. We want to know the last person's index in the original circle. For example, if n = 5 and k = 2, at the beginning, we have 1 2 3 4 5, then we eliminate 2 and 4, then we eliminate 1 and 5, so the last person's index is 3.

Solution: For the general case where k is an arbitrary number, we use F(n, k) to denote the solution for n persons. Then we have F(nk) = (F(n-1, k) + k ) mod n. Why? we can think the problem as follow:

  • The first person we need to eliminate is the kth person, after he is removed, we have n-1 persons now.
  • However, we can not directly resort to the subproblem F(n-1, k), since now our process will start at the k+1th person at the original circle. Therefore we need to remap the indices. Since the process is applied on a circle, we can move the first k-1 persons (1st, 2rd, ... k-1th person at the original circle) to the end of the circle. Thus, assume the new index in F(n-1, k) is i, the corresponding index in F(nk) is (i + k) mod n.
The above approach will take O(N) time. For smaller k, actually O(logN) solution exists. For example, when k = 2, we have F(2n) = 2*F(n) -1 and F(2n+1) = 2*F(n) +1. Actually for = 2, even an O(1) solution exists: if n = 2^m + l where  0 =< l  < 2^m, the last person will be 2*l + 1.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Calculate the Number of "1" in the Binary Form of a Positive Integer

Problem: Given a positive integer, count the number of "1" in its binary form. For example, the binary form of "7" is "111", so the number of "1" is 3.

Solution: There is an elegant solution with a complexity of O(k) where k is the number of "1". The code is as follow:

int cout_numof1(int n)
   int cnt = 0;

      n = n & (n-1);
   return cnt;