Monday, October 24, 2011

Find the Convex Hull

Problem: a series of points are on plain (X>0 and Y>0), find the convex hull of these points, a.k.a, the points which can form a hull that include all the other points.

Solution: Here only main idea is given.Basically we can use Graham scan.

  • Find the point p0 with the smallest y coordinate; if multiple exist, choose the one with the smallest x coordinate, this point must be one of the vertices on the convex hull.
  • Sort the other points based on the angle of p0->pi
  • Put p0, p1 and p2 in a stack (we need at least three to form a hull), then we inspect the rest points based on the order. Assume px is the stack top and py is the one next to the top, if py->pi is at the right side of py->px, pop px. We apply the same check to the new px and py until the previous condition doesn't hold. Then we push pi if previous there are any pop operations. If before push pi, there are only two elements in stack, we can push pi directly. 
  • After we iterate all the remaining points, the points on the stack are those that form the convex hull. The complexity is O(nlogn), primarily the sorting cost.
More: Alternatively, we can use Jarvis’s march which is asymptotically faster than Graham’s scan. The time complexity is O(nh) where h is the number of the vertices on the hull. The main idea is as follow:
  • Find the highest point p_high and lowest point p_low among all the points, which takes O(n).
  • Start from p_low, find the next point that has the smallest polar angle (using +x axis) with respect to p_low. Assume this point is p', then find the next point that has the smallest polar angle with respect to p'. Repeat such process until we find p_high. Up to now, we had found the left chain of the hull.
  • Then proceed to find the right chain of the hull. It is similar to finding the left chain. We start from p_high and stop when we reach p_low. The only difference is that when we calculate the polar angle, we use -x axis instead of +x axis.

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