Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Calculate Number of Different Ways to Climb a Stairway with Constant Space and Linear Time

Problem: There are three ways to climb a stair, you can climb 1 step, 2 steps or 3 steps each time. Given a n step stairway, how many of ways can you climb up to the top?

Solution: As known, this is a simple DP problem.  If we can maintain an array dp[] with dp[i] representing the different ways to climb up i steps, we can get the final result in O(N). However, we need O(N) space as well. But actually, since dp[i] = dp[i-1] + dp[i-2] + dp[i-3], we don't need O(N) space, instead, we just need a cache with size 3. Then we can have a space complexity O(1) algorithm:

int climb_stair(int n)
  int cache[3];
  cache[0] = 1; /*ways to climb 0 step */
  cache[1] = 1; /*ways to climb 1 step */
  cach2[2] = 2; /*ways to climb 2 steps */

  if(n<=2) return cache[n];

  for(int i=3; i<=n; i++)
     cache[i%3] = cache[0]+cache[1]+cache[2];

  return cache[i%3];


Similarly, we can have a O(1) space algorithm for Fibonacci numbers.


  1. Actually, the recurrence relation for Fibonacci numbers has analytical solution, so it can be solved in constant time as well.

  2. Hi,

    sorry for necroing :) linear recurrences' nth term (such as this one or the Fibonacci etc) can be computed in constant space and *O(logn)* time by iterated matrix powering. Just my 2cents :)

  3. Hi Szaboic,
    You are right. Thanks for your comments. Besides, Onur is also right. We even have a constant time solution here. My original post just gave the common solution:)
